With the above in hand, you can then fully explore the Shattered Realm and find its many secrets.

If you want to find everything there is within the Shattered Realm, it's recommended you: Though you can start uncovering some secrets as soon as completing the first week of Wayfinder's Voyage, it might be easier to wait until you have everything first. The other thing to note is that, before you can get everything, you must unlock a series of abilities first. However, if you are after all the Shattered Realm's secrets, then it means waiting until your desired mission is active in the rotation schedule before you can access everything.

If you are playing through the Wayfinder's Voyage quest, this doesn't affect your progress - as you simply need to complete the active Shattered Realm mission to progress the respective step. One of these is that only one Shattered Realm mission is available at any given time - with the next mission cycling in on the next weekly reset. There are, of course, several complicating factors. The more you play through the Wayfinder's Voyage quest, the more abilities - such as True Sight - you'll unlock.

For completionists, there's a lot to get stuck into.

The Shattered Realm is a destination introduced in the Season of the Lost Wayfinder's Voyage storyline, and is comprised of three missions - Forest of Echoes, Debris of Dreams and Ruins of Wrath.Įach one has three beacons and a boss battle to complete within a Taken-style realm, but that's not all each area has multiple types of collectibles and secrets to uncover, unlocking various Seasonal Challenges and Triumphs in the process. Watch on YouTube How the Shattered Realm in Destiny 2 works, and how to prepare for its secrets